CoolSculpting Has Been Sweeping The Country!

Looking for a fast, painless way to get rid of stubborn fat? Try CoolSculpting! Here's how it can help you get the body of your dreams.

Many people struggle with their weight. Whether due to lifestyle factors, medical conditions, or genetics, sometimes it's hard to get the body we dream of — even with exercise and a healthy diet. Fortunately, there is a 

solution that can help you lose stubborn fat and improve your body shape without invasive or painful surgery. This new and innovative weight loss solution is called CoolSculpting, and requires no needles or anesthesia! Plus, it's an affordable alternative to more expensive treatment options. Keep reading to learn more about the CoolSculpting procedure and how it can help you achieve the body of your dreams. 

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting utilizes a fat-freezing method called cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis was approved by the FDA in 2010 to help remove stubborn and unsightly fat pockets in certain parts of your body. CoolSculpting does not require surgery or needles, so it's less invasive than other types of fat removal. In addition, it has a faster recovery time and is generally cheaper than other body contouring procedures such as liposuction.

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

As fat freezes at a higher temperature than skin, CoolSculpting works by your unwanted fat to a temperature low enough to destroy it while leaving other surrounding skin and tissues unharmed.

During a CoolSculpting session, a specialized tool is used to hold excess fat between two rapidly cooling paddles. These paddles are left in place for up to 1 hour and 15 minutes. During this time, the CoolSculpting process can destroy up to 20%-25% of targeted fat cells. The destroyed fat calls are then naturally eliminated from the body via the immune system. The final results of CoolSculpting may not be visible for up to a few months after your procedure; however, many people see positive changes within just a few weeks. 

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction

Liposuction is a well-established medical procedure that effectively removes unwanted areas of fat. Liposuction differs from CoolSculpting in several ways. For example, in general, liposuction is much more expensive than cool sculpting. In addition, CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure with minimal recovery time — this means you can typically return to your normal activity levels the same day! In contrast, the average recovery time for liposuction is often four weeks, and it can take several weeks for the swelling and bruising to heal. This makes CoolSculpting the perfect option for people who are short on time and funds.

Benefits of CoolSculpting

If you want to avoid invasive surgery and other more costly procedures while still removing stubborn fat, CoolSculpting is the ideal treatment option. Because CoolSculpting does not require a general anesthetic, you can be awake and aware during the treatment, and there is generally no recovery time. In fact, most people return home and return to their regular activities as soon as their treatment is complete! While the CoolSculpting procedure is painless, some people experience tenderness and bruising for a few days after, and this typically resolves in short order. 

As each person's body is unique, CoolSculpting provides an entirely customizable option for all shapes and sizes! Your provider will be able to guide you through your options and discuss your body goals during your initial consultation. This can help you determine the number of treatments you will need and the type of results you can expect to see.

CoolSculpting can also be used to target multiple areas of fat on the body, such as the stomach, arms, and thighs. In fact, you can even use CoolSculpting to contour a double chin! As a general rule of thumb, if you can pinch it, then you can treat it with CoolSculpting!

Many patients love the natural-looking results of CoolScupting treatment. Whether you want to look slimmer or sculpt a specific area of your body, CoolSculpting offers an affordable and effective alternative to liposuction, with no scarring!

How Effective Is CoolSculpting?

Various studies have found CoolSculpting to be very effective, showing improvements in 86% of treated patients. However, it is essential to note that CoolSculpting may not be appropriate for everyone. It is also not an obesity treatment; however, it can remove extra visible fat, which is resistant to other weight loss attempts, such as regular exercise, and a healthy diet. 

If you're considering CoolSculpting to help you achieve your body goals, it's essential to consult with your physician to determine if you're a good candidate.