Here's Why Seniors Are Rushing To Get Neck Lifts

Don't let your neck give your age away. Here's why seniors are flocking to get neck lifts at record numbers, and how they're saving thousands in the process!

When we think about the tell-tale signs of aging, we often place too much emphasis on our faces and not enough on our necks. Of course, our necks tend to get wrinkly and lax, just like the skin on our faces. Lifestyle factors such as UV exposure, an unhealthy diet, and "tech neck" can all cause our necks to age prematurely. Fortunately, it is possible to rejuvenate your neck and reverse the signs of aging with a nonsurgical neck lift! 

If you've been putting off scheduling your neck lift procedure, you might be surprised to learn that they're more affordable than you think! Non-Surgical neck lifts provide an affordable and convenient way to improve your neck's appearance and fight signs of aging. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a nonsurgical neck lift. 

What Is a Non-surgical Neck Lift?

A nonsurgical neck lift is a procedure that improves sagging and wrinkled skin in the chin and neck area. There are several different nonsurgical neck lift options. Depending on your goals and problem areas, one technique may be more suitable than another, or a combination of techniques may be most effective. Non-surgical neck lift options include:


Injectables such as Botox can help fight signs of aging, such as wrinkles. Some providers use Botox injections to reduce vertical neck bands and relax muscle movement in the neck. Botox may not be suitable for everyone, so it's important to discuss your expectations with an experienced injector. 

Injectable Dermal Fillers

Injectable dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Bellafill, Restylane, Sculptra, and Radiesse can help to restore lost volume to the neck and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid fillers and calcium hydroxylapatite fillers can be used to add volume and definition to the jawline and induce collagen production. This area of the body is typically injected using a cannula technique rather than a needle.


Ultherapy is an innovative nonsurgical technique that uses ultrasound technology to improve skin laxity and signs of aging. Approved in 2009 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Ultherapy is an effective and noninvasive procedure that can be used to complete neck and chin lifts and treat signs of aging on the chest.

Ultherapy stimulates collagen and creates more youthful-looking skin in the neck and chin area. Ultrasound energy is used to target the affected area and to lift and encourage tightening of the skin. 

Benefits of a Nonsurgical Neck Lift

There are many benefits to a nonsurgical neck lift, including:

Faster Recovery Time

The average recovery time for a nonsurgical neck lift procedure is generally much faster than a surgical facelift. In fact, the healing time for most nonsurgical neck lift procedures ranges from just a few hours to a few days. This is great news for people who have a busy schedule and want to return back to their daily activities as soon as possible. 


According to RealSelf, Surgical neck lifts cost an average of $9125; however, this can vary greatly depending on your location and surgeon. In comparison, a nonsurgical neck lift can cost as little as a few hundred dollars, depending on your chosen technique! 

Shorter Procedure Time

Surgical neck lift procedures typically take several hours to complete, along with weeks of recovery time. As with any surgery, surgical neck lifts can also result in a number of complications. Fortunately, most nonsurgical neck lift procedures take less than an hour to complete and have fewer complications in comparison!

Less Risk

Many seniors don't want surgery due to potential complications and health risks. Issues such as scarring, infection, and unwanted results turn many seniors away from surgical neck lifts. Fortunately, nonsurgical neck lifts do not require general anesthesia or large incisions, making them generally much safer than surgical options. 

Lower Face And Neck Lift For Seniors

If you're unhappy with the appearance of your neck and want to improve your self-esteem, a nonsurgical neck lift could be the perfect option for you. As with any medical or cosmetic procedure, it's important to discuss your options with a qualified and experienced practitioner. A nonsurgical neck lift procedure may not be suitable for everyone, so it's crucial that you determine your needs and expectations. 

If you want to fight the signs of aging and restore a youthful neck, search online today and find a Neck Lift Specialist In Mandaluyong.